why is cotton more absorbent than nylon?

Cotton is more absorbent than nylon mainly due to the difference in their molecular structures and properties. On the contrary, nylon is a hydrophobic material, which repels water rather than absorbs it. Nylon fibers are smooth and uniform, lacking the natural pores and irregularities that allow cotton to soak up water efficiently. Instead, water beads […]

1 min read

why does having too many options make it harder to choose?

Having too many options can make it harder to choose due to a cognitive phenomenon known as “choice overload” or “decision paralysis.” This occurs when the abundance of options overwhelms the decision-making process, leading to increased anxiety and difficulty in making a selection. Several psychological and cognitive factors contribute to this difficulty: To mitigate the […]

2 mins read

why do old newspapers turn yellow?

Old newspapers turn yellow due to a process called degradation, which is influenced by a combination of factors including light, heat, humidity, and the paper’s composition. Here’s a more detailed look at the processes involved: The combination of these factors can lead to the characteristic yellowing seen in old newspapers. To preserve old papers and […]

2 mins read

why are airplane windows round?

The round shape of airplane windows is a result of a combination of factors, including safety, aerodynamics, and historical reasons. Here are some of the main reasons why airplane windows are typically round: While round windows are the standard for most commercial airliners, there are exceptions based on specific design requirements. For example, some specialized […]

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