why do I cry when cutting onions?

Crying when cutting onions is a result of the release of sulfur compounds from the onion cells, which can irritate the eyes and trigger tear production. Here’s a more detailed explanation of why this happens and how it can be prevented:Why do I cry when cutting onions? How can it be prevented?Here are some strategies […]

2 mins read

why is organic food so expensive?

The cost of organic food is often higher than that of conventional food for several reasons: While organic food may be more expensive, many consumers choose to buy it for health, environmental, and ethical reasons, and the trend toward organic farming is supported by government policies in many countries that provide incentives for sustainable agricultural […]

2 mins read

why do sliced apples turn brown?

Sliced apples turn brown due to a chemical reaction called oxidation, which occurs when the cells of the apple are damaged, exposing the inner parts of the fruit to oxygen in the air. Apples contain an enzyme called polyphenol oxidase (PPO) or tyrosinase, which is normally kept separated from substances called phenolic compounds present in […]

1 min read

why do plants wilt?

Plants wilt for a variety of reasons, and it is often a sign that the plant is experiencing stress. Here are some of the most common causes of wilting in plants: When a plant wilts, it is a signal that it is in distress and needs attention. Identifying the cause of wilting is important for […]

3 mins read

why do plants perform photosynthesis?

Plants perform photosynthesis primarily as a means of producing the energy-rich organic compounds they need to grow and survive. Here’s a more detailed explanation of why photosynthesis is essential for plants: In summary, photosynthesis is crucial for plants because it provides them with the energy and building blocks necessary for growth, development, reproduction, and survival, […]

2 mins read

Why Can Marijuana Cause Hallucinations?

The purpose of publishing this article is to convey more knowledge without any bad guidance. Please abide by local laws. Marijuana, or cannabis, contains a variety of chemical compounds known as cannabinoids, the most well-known of which is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It is the THC in marijuana that is primarily responsible for the psychological effects users […]

2 mins read

why are dandelions so good at spreading their seeds widely?

Dandelions are incredibly efficient at seed dispersal due to several evolutionary adaptations: These traits combined have allowed dandelions to become one of the most widespread and prolific plants across various habitats worldwide. While this makes them a nuisance in cultivated lawns and gardens, from an ecological perspective, their ability to spread and thrive underscores their […]

1 min read

why do plants release carbon dioxide at night?

Plants release carbon dioxide at night because during this time they are not conducting photosynthesis. Photosynthesis involves the intake of carbon dioxide and the release of oxygen, utilizing sunlight energy to convert these inputs into glucose (a type of sugar) for the plant’s energy needs. At night, when sunlight is not available, plants cannot perform […]

3 mins read