why did Columbus think the world was round?

Christopher Columbus believed that the Earth was spherical mainly due to the scientific knowledge available during the late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance. The idea that the Earth was a sphere dates back to ancient Greek philosophers and astronomers. Around the 6th century BCE, Pythagoras postulated the spherical shape of the Earth. Subsequently, scholars like […]

3 mins read

why can we see Orion only in winter?

We can see the constellation Orion more prominently in the winter sky in the Northern Hemisphere because of the Earth’s rotation around the sun and its position in relation to the stars. The visibility of constellations varies throughout the year due to Earth’s axial tilt (about 23.5 degrees) and its orbit around the sun. Orion […]

1 min read

Why haven’t aliens been found so far?

The question of why no extraterrestrials have been discovered so far involves many aspects, including scientific theories, observation techniques, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life. First of all, the vastness of the universe is unimaginable to human beings. Even though life may exist in the universe as we know it, it is not easy to […]

5 mins read

Why can’t we run out of oxygen on Earth?

The oxygen on Earth is not inexhaustible, but it circulates in a dynamic equilibrium system. Oxygen on Earth comes mainly from plants and certain bacteria through photosynthesis. These organisms use solar energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and glucose. Here are some key points about the oxygen cycle: Although oxygen concentrations on […]

1 min read