Why do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is a traditional holiday in the United States whose historical roots can be traced back to many aspects of American history. First, the origins of Thanksgiving can be traced back to the early 17th century, when the first European immigrants (Puritans) came to the North American continent from England and established a colony in […]

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Why doesn’t I get altitude sickness when flying?

The main reason why altitude sickness does not occur when flying is the air pressure regulation in the aircraft. Aircraft, especially commercial airliners, maintain a relatively stable air pressure environment during flight to ensure the comfort and safety of passengers and crew. As the aircraft rises, the outside atmospheric pressure gradually decreases. To prevent a […]

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Why doesn’t it itch when I scratch my armpits?

The main reason why you don’t feel itchy when you scratch your armpit is because we know that this action is about to happen, and the brain can pre-regulate the sensation of nerve endings to reduce or eliminate the itch. This phenomenon is known in psychology as “anticipatory inhibition”. When you try to scratch your […]

1 min read

Why do hermit crabs live in shells?

The reason why hermit crabs live in snail shells is because of the following main reasons: In conclusion, hermit crabs inhabit snail shells for survival and self-protection, which is a natural selection and evolutionary strategy for their own physiological characteristics. At the same time, this behavior is a vivid example of the phenomenon of biological […]

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Why do cats bury their own poop?

It is a natural behavior for cats to bury their poop, which is mainly related to the cat’s survival instinct. When cats live in the wild, they try to hide their excrement as much as possible to protect themselves from predators. Doing so not only reduces odors that attract enemies, but also keeps the active […]

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Why are crows the smartest birds?

The reason why crows are considered to be one of the most intelligent birds is because they exhibit many advanced cognitive abilities, such as tool use, social communication, memory, and learning, among others. Crows are considered to be one of the most intelligent birds in the world, mainly for the following reasons: Combining these characteristics, […]

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