why does blood keep flowing?

The continuous flow of blood is essential for the body to function properly, and it is maintained by a complex system involving the heart, blood vessels, and regulatory mechanisms. Here’s a simplified explanation of why blood keeps flowing: Overall, the interplay between the heart’s pumping action, the pressure within the blood vessels, the resistance encountered […]

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why is human body temperature around 37°C?

The human body temperature is maintained around 37°C (98.6°F) due to a finely tuned regulatory system called thermoregulation. This optimal temperature provides the ideal conditions for enzymes and biochemical reactions in the body to occur efficiently and effectively. In summary, the human body temperature of around 37°C represents an evolutionary balance between maximizing the efficiency […]

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why do people get carsick and seasick?

People get carsick or seasick (and motion sickness in general) because their brain receives conflicting messages from their sensory systems—specifically, their inner ear (vestibular system) and their eyes (visual system). To cope with motion sickness, the body tries to adapt by adjusting to the motion, but in some cases, medications or behavioral techniques (like focusing […]

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why do people blink?

People blink for several reasons, primarily to keep the eyes lubricated and protected. Here are some key reasons why blinking is essential: The average person blinks several times per minute, but this rate can vary depending on the activity. For example, when focusing on a close-up task, such as reading or using a phone, the […]

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why are tears salty?

Tears are salty because they contain dissolved salts, primarily sodium chloride, which is the chemical name for common salt. The salinity of tears comes from the composition of the fluids and tissues in and around the eyes. The tear fluid is produced by glands located around the eye, including the lacrimal gland. This fluid is […]

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why celebrate Nawurozi Festival?

The Nawruz Festival, also known as Nowruz, is celebrated for several reasons deeply rooted in history, culture, and spirituality. It is a spring festival that marks the beginning of the Iranian New Year and is observed by many communities across Western Asia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Black Sea Basin, the Balkans, and South Asia. […]

3 mins read

why are pandas so fat despite being vegetarian?

Pandas appear chubby or rotund largely because of their unique diet and low metabolic rate, rather than simply because they’re vegetarians. Here’s an in-depth explanation: Dietary Habits: Pandas have a highly specialized diet consisting almost exclusively of bamboo, which makes up 99% of their food intake. Bamboo is a fibrous plant with relatively low nutritional […]

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why do people cry?

Crying is a natural human response that involves the shedding of tears, often accompanied by emotional distress or physical sensations in the eyes and throat. Here’s a detailed explanation: Emotional Response: People cry most commonly as an expression of emotions. When we experience feelings such as sadness, grief, joy, anger, or relief, our body reacts […]

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